Restart, Rewind and eventual Eject


Lately, a lot of my artist friends like Tom and Suede posted in their blogs and FB walls that they’d be tugging along their respective drawing notebooks and sketch anything that comes to mind everyday…EVERYDAY. Whew, that even sounds hard. Be it character studies, designs, fan art or whatnot just as long as you draw something everyday to flex your art muscles so to speak. Well, as far as I can tell, I’ve been promising such an act since 2007 and bought myself a notebook and some pens and markers and all the time I let myself down by not pushing thru with it, maybe a couple of sketches here and there and stopped on my tracks.

Well, here again folks I am promising myself and start doing another one in another notebook I bought off the shelves (a 10×14 cm. notebook). Wish me luck and hope to the gods that I’d finish drawing something on them 121 blank pages. I know some would wager that I’d fail after reading this post, but, whatever man. Nothing to lose here. Anything I can think off. I don’t really know what the outcome might be but I do hope its positive. Here’s for starters. The usual bat piece done during work break today. I’d be posting these buggers if time permits and I could get to upload it to my Tumblr account or here, but I beleive Tumblr is much easier, i’ll tag it as sketch-a-day. So keep posted or whatever. Egg me on or something.

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